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Food and Nutrition
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Collection Info
- Explore the social history of food, as well as the cultural and ritual association tied to food preparation and consumption across cultures, promoting cultural awareness/intelligence
- Leverage an engagement with art to investigate the structural systems that underlie food insecurity and excess/abundance
- Support critical thinking and analysis through combining visual evidence with contextual information
- Consider what visual representations of food can tell us about the gendered, racialized, and class distinctions that are/have been ascribed to different cuisines and meals throughout history and across cultures
- Representations of Food & Beverages
- Food Service Businesses & Workers
- Spaces/Rituals of Food Preparation/Consumption
- Objects for Food Preparation/Consumption
- Food Insecurity & Excess
131 results
Jonathan Seliger
Unknown artist(s)
David James Gilhooly III
Unknown artist(s)
Unknown artist(s)
Unknown artist(s)
Unknown artist(s)
Unknown artist(s)
Keystone View Company
Kipton Kumler
Don Nice