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Collection Info
- Promotes exploration of diverse representation of times, providing opportunities for students to question how our understanding of time impacts how we understand the world, our history, and paths forward into the future
- Supports close looking and observation skills in an immersive learning environment
- Prompts critical thinking and analysis through visual comparisons and the juxtaposition of course texts and objects
- The Past
- Now/Ephemerality
- Futurity
- Shifting Tenses
- Time Suspended
- Seasonal Time
- Timekeeping
-Allegorical/Mythic/Primordial Time
68 results
Doel Reed
Philip B. Hahs
Keystone View Company
William Henry Bartlett
Mark Dion
Whitfield Lovell
Ana Mendieta
Ana Mendieta
Ana Mendieta
Ana Mendieta
Ana Mendieta