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Surveillance and Privacy

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Surveillance and Privacy
- Prompts discussion of the ways human behavior has historically been and continues to be recorded toward a number of ends - surveillance, control, power, security, etc.
- Investigates the ways viewers of all visual media can be implicated in the act of surveillance and voyeurism (and how those acts are often gendered and racialized)
- Questions the power dynamics between artist/subject and subject/viewer
- Enhances visual literacy and observation skills, providing students with skills needed to grasp all available information and form well-rounded conclusions
- Demonstrates importance of concision and clarity in written and spoken language through exercises in describing what students see, preparing students to effectively communicate ideas and research findings
- Viewer as Voyeur
- Surveillance & Racial Profiling
- Intimacy & Privacy
29 results
Two Nudes
Allan Randall Freelon
Nude with City Scene
Allan Randall Freelon
Nude with Book
Allan Randall Freelon
Nude on Eames Stool
Philip Pearlstein